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    Cancer Institute
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Cancer and Nutrition
The Truth About Breast Health and Breast Cancer
The Truth About Prostate Health and Prostate Cancer
   Nutritional Hydration
Cancer and Nutrition Spanish Edition
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       About the Author

Cancer and Nutrition Cancer and Nutrition, A Ten Point Plan for Prevention and Cancer Life Extension
by Charles B. Simone, M.D.:

Hardcover, 304 pages, 1350 references
Third Revision (January 2005), First Printed 1981
First in its genre, ISBN 0-9714574-3-3

“I am convinced that if everyone would follow Dr. Simone’s plan early enough in life and take it seriously, we would make major strides toward putting the cancer doctors out of work and approach the legacy of health that is within our reach.”
Robert A. Good, Ph.D., M.D. Former President and Director, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital

Spanish Chinese Japanese German

One of every two Americans will develop cancer (A). Most adult cancer patients today live no longer than those who had it in 1920 (B). Treatments produce the same length of life, but when you modify your lifestyle, you may live longer (C).

Dr. Simone reviews how good health can be yours. Since genetics cause only 7% of cancers, you have control. Dr. Simone, a world renowned cancer specialist, is brave enough to share with you the truth about cancer prevention and treatment without emotion or influence from the medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, national organizations, special interest groups or government agencies. Be your own advocate. Don’t leave it to others. You can virtually control the destiny of your health.

By following his easy Ten Point Plan, you can reduce the risk for cancer, or, if you have cancer, you can help extend your life. The choice is yours.


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El Cáncer y la Nutrición El Cáncer y la Nutrición
by Charles B. Simone, M.D.:

Softcover, 304 pages, 1350 references
Fourth Revision (2013), First English Printing 1981
First in its genre, ISBN 0-9714574-5-X

“estoy convencido de que si todos leemos el libro de Dr. Simone lo suficientemente temprano en nuestras vidas y lo tomamos en serio, haremos avances importantes para dejar sin trabajo a los oncólogos y acercarnos al legado de salud que está fuera de nuestro alcance”
Robert A. Good, PhD, MD, Former President and Director, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital, NY

      Uno de cada dos estadounidenses desarrollará cáncer (A). Aquellos con cánceres adultos hoy ya no viven que aquellos que lo tenían en 1920 (B). Los tratamientos producen la misma longitud de la vida, pero cuando modifica su estilo de vida, puede vivir más largo (C).
      El Dr. Simone examina cómo la salud buena puede ser la suya. Desde la causa de la genética sólo el 7% de casos del cáncer, tiene el control. El Dr. Simone, un especialista del cáncer mundialmente conocido, es bastante valiente para compartir con usted la verdad sobre prevención del cáncer y tratamiento sin emoción o influencia del establecimiento médico, industria farmacéutica, organizaciones nacionales, grupos especiales o agencias estatales. Esté su propio abogado. No lo deje a otros. Puede controlar prácticamente el destino de su salud.
      Siguiendo su Plan fácil de punto diez, puede reducir el riesgo de cáncer, o si usted tiene cáncer, usted puede ayudar a prolongar su vida útil. La elección es suya.

Crisis del cáncer en los Estados Unidos y América Latina

En los Estados Unidos las disparidades de salud para los hispanos con cáncer están aumentando y esto lleva a los diagnósticos de cáncer en etapas posteriores, menos tratables.

Además, los países de América Latina corren el riesgo de ser inundados por la creciente crisis del cáncer si no se toman medidas de control del cáncer. La tasa de mortalidad por cáncer es casi el doble que en los Estados Unidos y Europa. La mitad de la población de América Latina (320 millones de personas) no tiene seguro de salud inadecuado o no que lleva a un menor acceso a la atención para los pobres y para los que viven en comunidades rurales o indígenas. Por lo tanto más personas están siendo diagnosticados con cáncer en etapas posteriores, menos tratables también.

La Comisión Lancet Oncología convocó a una conferencia en Sao Paulo el 25 de abril de 2013, con la American Cooperative Oncology Group Latina y el informe incluye a los países de América Latina y el Caribe: Argentina, Bahamas, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana República, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guayana Francesa, Guyana, Honduras, Haití, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Puerto Rico, Paraguay y El Salvador.

Entre las diversas soluciones dictadas por la Comisión de 2013 para la creciente crisis del cáncer es alentar a las personas a adoptar estilos de vida más saludables. En 1980, Charles B. Simone, MD escribió Cáncer y Nutrición, el primero de su género que le proporciona un plan de estilo de vida saludable para prevenir el cáncer. Debido a este trabajo, el Dr. Simone ayudó a fundar la primera Oficina de Medicina Alternativa en los EE.UU., de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud. Dr. Linus Pauling, dos veces ganador del Premio Nobel y fundador de la medicina ortomolecular, dijo el Dr. Simone: "Te felicito por el trabajo innovador."

El Cáncer y la Nutrición le proporciona la plan de diez puntos Simone. Siguiendo fácil Plan de Point del Dr. Simone Ten se puede reducir el riesgo de cáncer, o bien, si usted tiene cáncer, usted puede ayudar a prolongar la vida útil. La elección es suya.

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The Truth About Breast Health and Breast Cancer

The Truth About Breast Health and Breast Cancer, Prescription for Healing
by Charles B. Simone, M.D.:

Hardcover, 336 pages, 1578 references
ISBN 0-9714574-0-9 (December 2002)

"A mandatory resource for life"
Lorraine Schwartz, Attorney and Survivor

Over 80% of American women have painful lumpy breasts that increase cancer risk. One in eight American women develop breast cancer (A). Those with breast cancer today live no longer than those who had it in 1920 (B). Treatments produce the same length of life, but when you modify your lifestyle, you may live longer (C).

Dr. Simone reviews how breast health can be yours. Since genetics causes only 7% of cases, you have control. Dr. Simone, a world renowned cancer specialist, is brave enough to share with you the truth about breast cancer without emotion or influence from the medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, national organizations, special interest groups or government agencies. Be your own advocate. Don’t leave it to others. You can virtually control the destiny of your health.

By following his easy Ten Point Plan, you can reduce the risk for breast cancer and stop breast pain, or, if you have breast cancer, you can help to extend your life. The choice is yours.

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The Truth About Prostate Health and Prostate Cancer

The Truth About Prostate Health and Prostate Cancer, Prevention and Cancer Life Extension
by Charles B. Simone, M.D.:

Hardcover, 304 pages, 1340 references
ISBN 0-9714574-2-5 (January 2005)

"A compelling book"
Julian Whitaker, M.D.
Whitaker Wellness Institute

By age 30, 10% of men have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), by age 60, 50%, by 80, 90% causing symptoms and cancer risk. One in six develop prostate cancer (A). Those with prostate cancer today live no longer than those who had it in 1920 (B). Treatments produce the same length of life, but when you modify your lifestyle, you may live longer (C).

Dr. Simone reviews how prostate health can be yours. Since genetics cause only 7% of cases, you have control. Dr. Simone, a world renowned cancer specialist, is brave enough to share with you the truth about BPH and prostate cancer without emotion or influence from the medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, national organizations, special interest groups or government agencies. Be your own advocate. Don’t leave it to others. You can virtually control the destiny of your health.

By following his easy Ten Point Plan, you can minimize BPH, reduce the risk for prostate cancer, or, if you have prostate cancer, you can help extend your life. The choice is yours.

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by Charles B. Simone, M.D.:

Pocket size Manual, 48 pages
ISBN 0-9714574-1-7 (September 2001)

"A Life Saving Manual - "
FOX NEWS CHANNEL, October 18, 2001

Terrorists have attacked the United States of America and many other countries multiple times. Since 1990 Osama Bin Laden’s terrorist camps have trained more than 5000 recruits to make and distribute chemical and biological weapons, make and use all types of explosives including nuclear devices, where to hide bombs, and how to assimilate in our society "to await activation orders." Training manuals target specific buildings, bridges, embassies, schools, and even amusement parks.

Bin Laden writes: "I will give you the training so you can carry on after we are gone. Our struggle will never end; it will grow stronger and more lethal by the year." (Jihad Against America)

We individuals have not been prepared, nor do we know what to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. How to Save Yourself From A Terrorist Attack informs you in large print and easy to understand language about the various possible types of attack, which ones are most likely to occur, how to recognize and diagnose them, and how to protect against them.

  • Nuclear Attack, & Outer Space Weapons
  • Radioactive + Explosive Attack
  • Electricity Disruption
  • Computer / Information Disruption
  • Chemical Attack
    • Learn to recognize each agent by its characteristic smell
    • Learn how to decontaminate yourself
    • Learn the antidotes needed and when to use them
  • Biological Attack
    • Learn the most likely agents to be used, how to recognize their symptoms, incubation periods
    • Learn preventive treatments and treatments for active disease.
    • Learn simple decontamination procedures
  • Learn the FIVE Step Plan to protect yourself, what medications you need, and what items you need to buy from a dollar store
We will not allow terrorists to take our freedoms or make us live in fear. By standing together and by following these simple Five Steps, we can and we will prevail over any terrorist organization. God Bless America!

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Nutritional Hydration Nutritional Hydration
Medical Strategy for Military and Athlete Warriors, Ten Point Plan for Superior Performance and Extended Life - with DVD "Warrior Training"

by Charles B. Simone, M.D.:

Softcover, 96 pages with 46 minute DVD "Warrior Training" - nutrition, kettlebell use, and rubber band stretching technique 160 references with over 500 more referred to July 2007 - ISBN 0-9714574-4-1

Click here to view samples of several chapters

The chance of success in military operations, competitions, or emergency situations is greater if you are physically and mentally fit. Your Nutritional Hydration status before, during and after military missions or competitions dramatically influences your physiology and therefore influences the outcome – good or bad. The smart, well informed, well trained and properly nutritionally hydrated warrior is an awesome opponent and can beat a complacent leader. This warrior has the advantage and can become the leader. This book will help you dispel many myths and share with you “tip of the spear” scientific facts to achieve superior performance, decrease risk for disease, and extend life. Nutritional HydrationTM Medical Strategy for Military and Athlete Warriors will positively change the lives of men and women and dramatically change their futures by following Dr. Simone's easy Ten Point Plan. The choice is yours.

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About the author:

During your life, there are people you would like to meet….and there are people you should meet. Meet now Charles B. Simone, Masters of Medical Sciences, Medical Doctor, Internist (trained at the Cleveland Clinic 1975-1977), Medical Oncologist (National Cancer Institute 1977-1982), Tumor Immunologist (National Cancer Institute 1977-1982), and Radiation Oncologist (University of Pennsylvania 1982-1985).

At the National Cancer Institute, Dr Simone discovered how white blood cells kill, showed how complement proteins kill, showed how adriamycin operates at the cellular level, and conceived and developed the idea of splicing monoclonal antibodies to killing cells that seek out cancer. He later helped in the proteomic pattern research for early cancer detection.

While thoroughly engrossed in basic science at the NCI, Dr Simone found new direction as a result of his patients. Vice President Humphrey died not of his cancer but of malnutrition and a young man with cancer was dying because he lacked certain vitamins. Newly interested in nutrition and cancer his research led to the landmark book, Cancer and Nutrition (1980) thrusting him into the alternative medicine arena. In 1992 he was asked to help organize the Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. He later received FDA approval to investigate the use of shark cartilage to treat advanced cancers.

Because of his expertise in treating malnourished dehydrated patients who experience muscle wasting, he was asked to formulate a nutritional drink that can prevent dehydration and cramping. In 1990, the formula was tested and proven successful in the harsh conditions of the North African desert in Cairo, Egypt. It is successfully used by World Class, Professional, and amateur athletes, as well as people in everyday activities.

In 1993 he was called upon to write the language that led to the compromise in the US Congress ensuring that all Americans have free access to information and food supplements – the Dietary, Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA). Then he helped win landmark cases against the Food and Drug Administration [Pearson v. Shalala] in which the FDA was found to violate the First and Fifth Amendment rights of American citizens. For all this patriotic work in behalf of the American people, he was bestowed the first Bulwark of Liberty Award in 2001 and the James Lind Scientific Achievement Award in 2004 by the American Preventive Medical Association and the Foundation for Alternative Medicine for “outstanding contributions to nutrition science and to public understanding of the role of nutrients in reducing disease risk.”

He has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed articles and many books.

Dr. Simone consults for heads of state of the US and other countries, celebrities, and advises many governments. He testifies for the US Congress regarding health, cancer, disease prevention, children's health programs, FDA reform, alternative medicine, and the dissemination of truth to patients. He appears on 60 MINUTES, Prime Time Live, MS NBC, Fox, and others.

Cancer and Nutrition, A Ten Point Plan for Prevention and Cancer Life Extension
$29.95 each

El Cáncer y la Nutrición 2013
$21.95 each

The Truth About Breast Health and Breast Cancer, Prescription for Healing
$24.95 each

The Truth About Prostate Health and Prostate Cancer, Prevention and Cancer Life Extension
$29.95 each

How to Save Yourself From a Terrorist Attack
$19.95 each

Nutrational Hydration
$27.95 each

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